Monday, June 21, 2010

Let's Hear it for the Boys!

For some reason, I am really tired today. Ethan and I both slept in until 7:30 this morning, which was a nice change from him waking up at 6:15 recently. I think we're both trying to figure out whether he wants to take one nap, or two, during the day, and it's creating some funky sleep patterns for him. Any advice for making this transition, or deciding if it's the right time to do so?

I also spent the entire past weekend with Ethan at my parents' house while Jeramie was fishing with his dad and brother.

That was most definitely a new experience, and not one that I think I'll repeat anytime soon. Don't get me wrong, my parents were a huge help, but there are certain things (like making and administering a blended tube feed or consoling a scared, screaming baby) that only Jeramie or I can do.

Then, Ethan gave us a scare on Saturday morning when he woke up with a dry diaper. I called his pediatrician and they were pretty adamant, at first, that we take him to the hospital for some IV fluids. Thankfully, he had peed shortly after he woke up, so they felt that it wasn't so emergent of a situation, but said he would definitely need to go if he stayed dry for another 6 hours. I pumped him full of Pedialyte and by 11:00 he had a diaper as heavy as can of soup. He continued to produce wet diapers throughout the day, so we were able to steer clear of the hospital, and spend lots of good quality time with Granny, Poppy, and Bubbie!

I'm not sure what happened to cause him to become so dehydrated. I'm really worried that this will be an issue throughout this scorching hot summer, though, so we're working harder than ever on getting him to drink from that dang sippy cup.

This weekend made me appreciate, even more, how much of a team Jeramie and I are when it comes to parenting. Just having each other around for those stressful moments is something I think I've taken for granted. I could not imagine being Ethan's mama without Jeramie as his daddy.

His shirt reads: "I get my handsome from my Daddy"

I'm not sure who was more excited to see Jeramie once we all got home on Sunday, me or Ethan! We were happy to celebrate the amazing dad that Jeramie has become, and closed out the night with a home-cooked steak & shrimp meal. YUM!

Also, I can't mention what a great dad Jeramie is without recognizing my Daddy and my awesome father-in-law! I've always known that they would do anything for me, but seeing the way they love and care for Ethan is incredible. I bet they never knew they could be such softies!

Thank you Jeramie, Daddy, and Rick for being strong men who love your wives, children, and grandson with such passion and gentleness!

I'm into Week 2 of being at home with Ethan, and I really do think I will love this new lifestyle. Ethan's therapists are recognizing some amazing progress that he has made in the past two weeks, and that makes me feel so good! I look forward to nurturing him and helping him learn about his special body. Just yesterday, I took the brace off of his left arm and he immediately picked up a veggie stick and fed himself.

The proud grin that spread across his face was worth more than any paycheck that any school system could give me.

And that

is what it's all about.


Faith M. said...

Your little guy is so cute! Being a stay at home mom is a hard job but it's worth every minute. Enjoy!

Stefenie said...

Ethan sure likes to keep you guys on your toes doesn't he?
Glad things worked themselves out.

I am so glad that you and Ethan are enjoying you staying home. It is a big change and at times a lot of work but soooo worth it at the end of the day.

Anonymous said...

I love this post Joye! I believe Ethan is going to excel to his highest with you being a stay at home mom.

You are a wonderful and loving mother!

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