Ethan is officially tube-free for the first time in 21 months and 13 days!!!!!
We did it!! ...well, actually, Ethan did all the dirty work.
He had a hard time falling asleep yesterday afternoon, went down later than usual, then woke up around 6:15 crying like crazy. Nothing I did would calm him down, then we realized he had a pretty bad diaper rash. As Jeramie ran water to put him in the tub, I began to undress him and realized the G-tube was GONE.
I yelled something along the lines of, "Oh my God ... his tube is gone!" and Jeramie came running into Ethan's room. He eventually found it laying on the floor by his crib. I guess Ethan decided it was high time it made its exit. We scrambled to re-insert it, but his stomach wasn't having any of that. Jeramie and I just stood there for a second, looking at each other ... "What in the heck do we do?", I asked ... more staring.
To explain our frame of mind at that point, I'll say that Ethan's team of doctors agreed that the tube would be removed after cold and flu season. Knowing that we haven't used it in four months, but also knowing the doctors really wanted it to stay put through the winter, put us in quite the predicament. Do we rush him to the ER where he could catch who knows what, and where we would stay half the night waiting for some resident to try to get the tube back in? Or, do we say "it's been real" and throw the blasted thing as far as our arm will let us?
The cardiology fellow assured us that it wasn't an emergent situation; the tube could be re-inserted this morning if the team felt that was necessary. Our beloved Dr. I is out of town, so the fellow ran all questions by Dr. M, another trusted cardiologist who knows Ethan's history well. The fellow told me to call him through the night if anything were to change but, otherwise, he would call me this morning with Dr. M's decision.
Jeramie and I both agreed that we wanted the tube to stay out. I am thankful we were on the same page with that, and I was elated when the fellow called this morning to say that Dr. M felt the same way! The G-tube is a goner!!
Other than the panic surrounding not being able to get the tube back in place, the whole situation has been pretty anti-climatic. One day there's a little bulge under his shirt, the next day it's gone. No band-aids, no leaking, no gauze. In fact, the opening has already started to scab over! It all feels so strange.
I felt a little bit of fear try to burrow its way into my soul this morning when the final decision was made, but I fought it away. I reminded myself of how faithful God has been throughout this whole journey. God gently brought Philippians 4:6-7 to the forefront of my mind, and He comforted me with the fact that Ethan barely ate while I was in Portland, yet hadn't lost any weight as of yesterday. Again, it was as if I could hear Him say, "I've got this."
So, I'm choosing to listen. And, you know what? Ethan has eaten more today than I've seen him eat in a really, really long time.
We did it!! ...well, actually, Ethan did all the dirty work.
He had a hard time falling asleep yesterday afternoon, went down later than usual, then woke up around 6:15 crying like crazy. Nothing I did would calm him down, then we realized he had a pretty bad diaper rash. As Jeramie ran water to put him in the tub, I began to undress him and realized the G-tube was GONE.
I yelled something along the lines of, "Oh my God ... his tube is gone!" and Jeramie came running into Ethan's room. He eventually found it laying on the floor by his crib. I guess Ethan decided it was high time it made its exit. We scrambled to re-insert it, but his stomach wasn't having any of that. Jeramie and I just stood there for a second, looking at each other ... "What in the heck do we do?", I asked ... more staring.
To explain our frame of mind at that point, I'll say that Ethan's team of doctors agreed that the tube would be removed after cold and flu season. Knowing that we haven't used it in four months, but also knowing the doctors really wanted it to stay put through the winter, put us in quite the predicament. Do we rush him to the ER where he could catch who knows what, and where we would stay half the night waiting for some resident to try to get the tube back in? Or, do we say "it's been real" and throw the blasted thing as far as our arm will let us?
The cardiology fellow assured us that it wasn't an emergent situation; the tube could be re-inserted this morning if the team felt that was necessary. Our beloved Dr. I is out of town, so the fellow ran all questions by Dr. M, another trusted cardiologist who knows Ethan's history well. The fellow told me to call him through the night if anything were to change but, otherwise, he would call me this morning with Dr. M's decision.
Jeramie and I both agreed that we wanted the tube to stay out. I am thankful we were on the same page with that, and I was elated when the fellow called this morning to say that Dr. M felt the same way! The G-tube is a goner!!
Other than the panic surrounding not being able to get the tube back in place, the whole situation has been pretty anti-climatic. One day there's a little bulge under his shirt, the next day it's gone. No band-aids, no leaking, no gauze. In fact, the opening has already started to scab over! It all feels so strange.

So, I'm choosing to listen. And, you know what? Ethan has eaten more today than I've seen him eat in a really, really long time.
Here's to clothes fitting better, and lots and lots of kisses on that sweet bare belly!
Hallelujah! What an unexpected Christmas gift :o)
HOORAY! Wow. Maybe it was better that Dr. M made the call. He is very aggressive with tube removal! I know you are so happy to see it gone, even if the happiness does come with a teeny bit of apprehension. I will be praying for Ethan to be a great eater and to keep gaining weight. I am sure there are lots of Christmas goodies in his near future, so maybe that will help get his appetite going. What a merry Christmas for you guys!
Yeah!!! I'm so happy for you guys!
yay for Ethan! What a great unexpected surprise!! And one more thing off of your list of things to worry about! God's got it all under control!
This is awesome news, Joye! I'm so happy to hear that Dr. M came through for ya! Thank God for great cardiologists. Way to go, Ethan, for taking the initiative on this one!
YAY!! This is so exciting, so freeing, and very much unexpected! Here's to tossin' the "crutch" and leaping forward to new things!! Joye - God has been and will always be with you guys, and whether or not we trust it, he will always be there. Glad you're finding peace and joy, where at one time there would be worry, anxiety, stress, and fear. Know that God has made Ethan, and has made him into a strong little boy.
Perhaps Ethan was more ready than you guys to get this g-tube out and onto greater things, and perhaps this was uncomfortable for him and holding him back from eating more.
Love you guys, and so so excited for you!! Hope he gets a whole lot of Christmas fattiness now that his tummy is very ready!
Amen! I am very happy for all of you. I know this is something god is doing just like you said. Congrats on no more tube!
Sweet Boy!! Merry Christmas to you all. All my 2011 be bright and beautiful.
These kids just like to do things in their own way and own time, don't they?? He will do great, I am sure. What a great christmas gift!
It is hard having the tube finally be gone. On one hand you are thrilled to see it gone but on the other hand you are scared to be losing your crutch. Been there after having Logan's for 18 months and using it to stay out of the hospital many times.
Praying he gets through the winter with no worries Joye!
Congrats to you guys for getting to keep the tube out. That is HUGE!!!
Wonderful news! I mean, I hate it had to happen in a panic, but yay! Enjoy that cute little bare belly!
This IS the best time of year to pack on the pounds, you know! :) I'm taking advantage of that with Derrick...although it's me who packs on pounds while he may gain an ounce or two! Ha!
Many prayers that this works out just fine. Like you said, God's "got this." Merry Christmas!
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