Sunday, February 13, 2011

Checking In

OK, y'all. Did I really think that my life would remain calm enough to blog every day for an entire week? I mean, really; who was I kidding?!

I'm actually kind of bummed about my absence in the bloggy/Facebook world over the past couple of days, only because I feel like I missed out on some good updates. There has been so much good happening during CHD Awareness Week this year, and I'm hoping to catch up on all of that here soon.

(I did manage to read this post by my girl, Jenn. I think it is a must read for every Heart Mama and Heart Daddy out there.)

So, anyway, why the hiatus?

I'd love to say that Jeramie whisked me away on some romantic getaway, complete with hot stone massages, facials, and pedicures but, alas, that is not the case. Not because he's not good like that, but because we're back up to our ears in snot, antibiotics, and steroids.

Yup. It's baaaaaaaack.

A nasty round of croup, complete with a bloody double ear infection. (And I don't mean "bloody", as in the British expletive. I'm talking literally bloody.)

Needless to say, Ethan hasn't been the happiest toddler on the block and I've not exactly been the most well-rested, mild-mannered Mama. It wasn't until yesterday that he really seemed to get his groove back and that has, thankfully, continued on into today.

Jeramie and I have really dug deep to find our inner frugal-ness during this sickness, too. I made my own cough syrup based on a friend's recommendation, and Jeramie concocted a homemade humidifier out of a ladder and a few wet, hot towels. Y'all, I'm here to tell you, they both worked like a charm!

We've all gotten some good rest the past couple of nights and I'm looking forward to the beautiful weather we're supposed to have this week (75 degrees on Friday?! whoop whoop!). It's time to kick these winter blues ... who's with me?!

I'll definitely be back on Tuesday for Stefenie's blog event: Every Heart Has a Story - How CHD Affects Your Relationships. Be sure to check that out; I know I'm looking forward to it!

Until then...

1 comment:

Stefenie said...

I sure hope Ethan kicks his croup bug soon. Logan gets it something fierce. It is upsetting to hear them struggling to breathe when they get it. Ugh!! Feel for you!!!

Looking forward to the blog event tomorrow and reading all of the stories that link up!

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