Today you are three years old.

Another year has come and gone and, just like the previous two, I sit here astounded by the grace God has shown our family through you. This time last year, I had no idea what your third year would bring, and now here we are, celebrating an abundance of health and happiness.

Right this moment, you are every bit of three years old - and I mean that with all the love in my heart! You've not only clung to your independent nature, but I think you've kicked it up a notch. You are curious, inquisitive, and love everything about being outside. I can see you being an explorer or an engineer when you're all grown up someday, but your answer to that question is to simply be "three years old". That made me and Daddy laugh, for sure!

I am so thankful that you've had a break from surgeries and anesthesia and hospitals this year. You had one cath, which did wonders to relieve some of the high pressures in your heart, but that's it! Medically speaking, your third year has been the kindest to you, even with the few bumps along the way.

I know I say this a lot, but you are incredible. Just in case you happen to be reading this someday, and someone is trying to tell you otherwise, know that you are amazing. You are exactly who God created you to be - special heart and hand included. Maybe by the time you read this, I'll have a better idea as to why certain difficulties in life were given to you, but I doubt it. All you need to know, sweet boy, is that you are loved and cherished more than you could ever imagine. And that's just by your earthly family. It is still my prayer that one day you will accept Christ's love for you, and that you've love Him back with that beautifully broken heart of yours.

I am looking forward to this next year with excited anticipation as I celebrate the awesome little boy you are today. Happy birthday, baby. I love you to infinity and beyond.

Happy 3rd Birthday Ethan. You are a very special boy and so loved by all!
Happy birthday to my sweet, funny, adorable boyfriend! I love you E-man, and I love your whole family, too. Hope you enjoy every moment of your special day!
Three already? Wow! Happy birthday Ethan! You are so precious, and your life is already a testament to God's goodness. I can't wait to see what he has in store for you this year.
Happy Birthday sweet boy!!! :-)
Ok. That made me cry. Not only did God give you your perfectly imperfect son, but He knew exactly who would be the best parents to that sweet boy. You two are amazing & doing a fantastic job with ethan. He is so lucky to have you two rooting him on & teaching him about life and the Lord who loves him best!
With tearful eyes and a never ending love for Ethan Kendrick Mullis, I wish you a very Happy Birthday.
A wonderful post Joye..
Love Grandma A
I'm a day late, but please wish Ethan a very happy birthday from the Smith family! We're looking forward to celebrating with you guys tomorrow!
Oh Joye! You inspire me to be a better mother!!!
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