This has been the first time, since his birth, that the 8th has fallen on a Sunday. There was just something about him being 8 months old, on Sunday the 8th, that seemed a little extra special and emotional.
We listened to "Our Hope Endures" on the drive back to Raleigh today and I was flooded with memories. It was about 3:15 and I remember thinking that at that time, exactly 8 months ago, we were visiting Ethan in the Special Care Nursery at Rex, just beginning to learn about his heart defect.
It's absolutely crazy the amount of knowledge we have acquired in such a short time. The amount of love that has filled my heart is even crazier! I am completely thankful, everyday, that God has allowed me to know this kind of love.
In honor of his "golden-month" birthday, I thought I would share 8 fun facts about our (literally) bouncy baby boy:
1. His favorite toy is the plunger to a 60 mL syringe.
2. He has just learned to clap his hands, and does it all. the. time.
3. As of last Friday, he is 11 ounces away from 22 pounds. This means a new car seat is in our immediate future.
4. He talks to Annie and REALLY wants to play with her. He's not really aware of the fact that she's more than put-off about his presence in her house.
5. That 3rd tooth is FINALLY making its way through his so very stubborn gums.
6. He can roll over from front to back and sit-up, independently.
7. He doesn't seem to care for too many baby foods, but has taken a strong liking to my mama's homemade sweets. (I'd rather not elaborate on how we've come to that conclusion.)
8. His chunky thighs are so very ticklish, as is his neck!
The list could go on and on, and I am excited about what the next few months have in store. I look forward to learning about, and loving on, my amazing little boy!
Happy 8-month birthday, Ethan. We love you.
Happy Birthday to Ethan. You are an amazing little boy.
Joye, you and Jeramie are wonderful parents. Ethan is blessed to have you two as mom and dad.
I love the 8 facts you shared and the picture too. :)
Love always, Grandma A.
Happy Birthday Little Man! Lots of love from Cammy
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