Even though I started my day by waking up late, dropping a spoon into my to-go cup of coffee, reaching into said cup of (hot) coffee to get the spoon out, burning my fingers, then finally deciding to use a pair of tongs to retrieve the sunken piece of silver, I still had a feeling it would be a good day.
Actually, I think I said it would be awesome. And it was.
My kids were (mostly) in a great mood and I was able to get a lot accomplished during my lunch & planning periods.
Then, Ethan rocked it out at feeding therapy. He took a mixture of baby oatmeal and mashed bananas, and I may even venture to say that he liked it!
After that, we put up our germ-shield and took a family trip to Durham. We walked into Babies R Us, and walked out about 45 minutes later with 1 convertible car seat, 2 cans of formula, and 1 shopping cart/highchair cover. We managed to save $50, which was kind of like getting the formula for free!
As if braving a baby superstore wasn't enough, we went a little further and met some sweet friends at Chili's for dinner. Yes, it was approaching Ethan's bed time and, yes, I freaked when he leaned over the high chair and began sucking on the edge of the table, but the time spent with Rob & Charlotte was well worth it! To be with people who can go from laughing about a "Code Brown" to crying about leaving your child in the OR, on the operating table, is irreplaceable. This type of friendship, and that level of conversation, refreshes my soul.
On the way home, I sat in the backseat with Ethan and watched as he so peacefully drifted off to sleep. I thanked God for my family, my job, and good friends.
I am thankful that, tonight, my heart is happy... my tank is full... and life, at this very moment, is grand.
Glad you had such a great day, we all need those from time to time for a bit of soul cleansing!
I know what you mean by having a tankful. I felt that way this past weekend by having the three of you home. Who says that tankfuls can only mean gas? YOU ARE LOVED......
Gramma B
Have you thought about getting a shopping cart cover? They can be used just about anywhere like the playground swings or resturants and if you get a really good one it will fit over most shopping carts even the double seater ones at Aldi's or Target. There are some great sellers on Ebay with some rocking cute designs. That's where we got ours and we get comments on it all the time. Ours is padded nicely with a toy loop in front, pockets to stash cups, toys, etc... and it even folds up neatly and carries like a bag by the belt buckle. No more worries about germs although I still wipe down or spray with Lysol whatever I'm going to put the cover over. Yes I have a germ phobia but with a heart baby you have to be :) Love the updates!
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